Mukti is the annual FOSS festival of NIT Durgapur. We celebrated this from 5-7th Feb 2010. So here is the post on what we did. Since last year we have changed the pattern of what Mukti used to be, we try to bring FOSS developers from all over India, so that people here can meet…
Mukti 09 promo video out [youtube=]
Pen-GUI-n event is a new event in Mukti this year. I am assigned to coordinate this event. So I will have to learn some GUI programming for this first. After the exams are over I will learn at least GKT and pyGTk. Visit the link above for the details. And please take part 🙂 .
MUKTI is an annual national level technical symposioum on GNU/Linux and Free Software organinsed by GNU/Linux Users’ Group of NIT Durgapur. This year it is sheduled from 6-8 February, 2009. So be prepared all of you who want to participate. This year we have some new events with the regular events as in previous years.…