Category: FOSS

  • I installed cygwin on windows today. Its really incredible, gives the same feeling of a linux terminal on windows, though you may need a little tweaking. I have installed an additional shell called mintty which gives a putty like interface, as in the default terminal you cant copy/paste things. You will need to create a…

  • After a long time, today I finished packaging the newer versions of artha and gscribble for Fedora. The updates have been pushed to update-testing. The new versions will be available in the updates repositories soon. Posted from GScribble.

  • Nonameconf [Day 1]

    I had missed again due to some reasons, so I had planned to go to Nonameconf. I went with vignesh. While I was trying to find the building where it was supposed to be, I saw a bike tripping over. I had never seen an accident like this before. I immediately rushed towards them,…

  • GScribble new release


    I started this project back in last summer. I wanted to learn something, and I had already been hit by twitter. As a result I lost interest in blogging, I always wished something like twitterfox so that I could blog whenever I wanted to, without opening firefox. It is a tedious task to open firefox…

  • Mukti 10


    Mukti is the annual FOSS festival of NIT Durgapur. We celebrated this from 5-7th Feb 2010. So here is the post on what we did. Since last year we have changed the pattern of what Mukti used to be, we try to bring FOSS developers from all over India, so that people here can meet…

  • Quick update


    These days I am quite busy with Drupal and have learnt that Drupal is not merely a blogging software, you can make a full fledged website out of it. You can make modules, themes, customise it, and much more than I used to think initially. Apart from that I have learned to use CSS which…