Month: January 2009

  • Codecracker, the online judge of our college designed and developed by GLUG last year is all set again for a new round. The pattern is changed a little bit. This time we have six questions, two easy, two medium and two difficult. It is scheduled on Feb 3, 2009 from 10 P.M. to 12 P.M.…

  • I think of holding a small hack week kind of thing at my college on GNU/Linux and FOSS where people arent serious about FOSS. This can help us create the hacking culture in our college. I have thought of opendchub the hub software for Direct Connect client which we use for file sharing in our…

  • good bye 2008

    Another year comes to an end. But 2008 was very important to me in many sense. For the first time I started playing around with real sofwares. To begin with Debayan started GLUG SDU (which is now totally dead) and we started to hack some softwares. First one was linuxdcpp (the linux alternate to Apexdc++).…