openSUSE 11 was released during vacations. So I was waiting anxiously to download and use it. The day I came to college put my luggage in the room, managed to get the LAN wire patch ( I did not know where mine was) and checked for the internet. To my amazement the connection was proper…
Last night after a lot of counter strike and a LDTP installation, my back said, “i wont let you sit more”. Then I went to bed and started to think about the classes. Yeah ! I some times also think about my classes. When it had not started I thought it is high time why…
It gives me immense pleasure to declare that my first bug fix is now accepted and available in the svn.It was committed to the trunk long back and I was waiting for it to become publicly available. Now it is available 🙂 You can see my name in the Changelog. i have fixed one more…